
医学教育 (PME) at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center is an interactive 1 1/2-day program designed to educate policy makers and leaders about the role of a teaching hospital.

Our goal is to enhance participants' understanding of the complex system of medical education and the mission of a teaching hospital in training health care providers, 进行研究, 提供病人护理, and meeting the needs of underserved populations.

PME is adapted from a program created by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). Similar programs are offered by academic medical centers across the country.


The program is designed to enhance the knowledge of leaders in New Hampshire and Vermont who need good information in order to make insightful decisions on health care issues.

Participants include state legislators and regulators, 国会工作人员, 保险公司高管, 商业领袖, 医疗保健倡导者和医院受托人. The program is also open to members of the news media.


你在医学教育计划的第一天, you'll become a "medical student" at Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth.

You’ll meet with faculty and other med students and find out what you’re expected to learn. 当你毕业的时候,” you’ll get your student loan debt and be matched with a residency program at a teaching hospital. (Surprise: it happens to be Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center!)

The core of the PME program is the "clinical rotation" on Day 2. You'll spend four hours on an actual patient care team, shadowing a resident as he or she cares for patients, 响应规范, 完成文书工作, 并与其他医生交流, 护士, 护理人员, 家庭成员. Some participants may observe surgery, be in a delivery room or the ER. 没有剧本,所以什么都有可能发生.

You’ll learn about ground-breaking research and have an opportunity to practice your clinical skills in our state-of-the-art Patient Safety & 培训中心. Participants will also have a chance to ask questions and share insights with Senior Leaders.


Before you participate in PME, we strongly recommend that you review the following materials:


  • PME takes place at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center and at the 希尔顿花园酒店 在新罕布什尔州的黎巴嫩. The program runs from noon on Day 1 to 3:00 pm on Day 2. 请参阅上面的示例议程.
  • We will make hotel reservations at the 希尔顿花园酒店. We will cover the cost of hotel accommodations and provide meals. If a participant may not accept coverage of accommodations or meals, we can arrange for charges to be billed directly to the participant.
  • 我们不报销差旅费.
  • 详细说明教育计划的信件, 连同所有费用的披露, 会应要求提供吗.
  • 到希尔顿花园酒店的方向
  • Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center Directions, Maps and Parking


Here's what former participants have to say about PME:

  • "What a fantastic way to see the health care industry from the inside. 很棒的经历.——Jim Roche,商业总裁 & 新罕布什尔州工业协会
  • “谢谢你们让我参加PME项目. I thought it was terrific, informative and uplifting.——鲍勃·奥德尔,新罕布什尔州参议员
  • “优秀项目. 教师和学生都很出色." - Roger Sevigny, Commissioner, New Hampshire Department of Insurance
  • "When I was asked to participate in 医学教育, I thought that I couldn't justify the time commitment. 我很高兴我重新考虑了一下. I walked away with a greater understanding of the front lines of medical care.——佛蒙特州参议员文森特·伊卢齐
  • "Thoroughly enjoyed being a 'guest resident' on rounds. 整个计划中最精彩的部分!" - Gregg Mandsager, City Manager, Lebanon, New Hampshire
  • “多么了不起的项目啊! 我怎么说都不为过. 非常感谢!" - Vanessa Santarelli, Director of NH Public Policy, Bi-State Primary Care Association


我还有其他事情要做. 我可以只参加部分PME课程吗?

PME is designed as a comprehensive educational program. 为了从经验中获益, participants are strongly urged to complete the entire 1-1/2-day program. If you can't attend the full program at this time, we'll defer your participation to a future event.


穿着商务休闲装. Comfortable shoes for the clinical rotation are a 必须!


是的. Confidentiality of patient-specific information is critically important. Since you will be granted "Temporary Observation Privileges" by the Medical Staff Office, 你需要签署一份 道德守则表格(PDF) 在节目开始的时候.

Will I go into patient rooms and clinical areas?


Will patients be OK with me entering their room?

一般来说,是的. Our patients are informed that it is a teaching hospital and are aware that they will interact with patient care teams. 你将成为病人护理团队的一员. You will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement and keep all patient-specific information completely confidential.

Is it a problem if I'm squeamish at the sight of blood or needles?

一点也不. If you're sensitive to certain situations, please let us know in advance. We'll take that into account when arranging your clinical rotation.

What if I encounter someone I know who is a patient at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center?

这种情况时有发生. 如果你看到一个你认识的病人, we encourage you to step away from the area and not participate in that particular interaction. You should keep any patient specific information, including someone's presence at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, 严格保密的.


绝对不是. 医学教育 is an educational program.