
A mammogram is a very safe X-ray exam that uses low doses of radiation to detect changes in the 乳房 that may be too small or subtle to be felt during 乳房 self-exams.


Women who prefer to maximize life-extending benefits and seek improved treatment options for 乳房 cancer should choose annual screening starting at age 40. 只要身体健康,就应该继续服用.

Get the facts about your options for starting mammograms, with this 决定援助 在我们的健康wise®健康百科网站上.

你不需要转诊去做乳房x光检查. 十大正规博彩网站评级正规博彩平台 安排预约.

Watch this video to learn about the benefits of 乳房 cancer screening.


Screening mammography is used to find early-stage cancer before it grows large enough that you can feel it and before it has a chance to cause symptoms or spread outside of the 乳房.

Early-stage 乳房 cancer is usually curable and is more easily treated with less invasive and less toxic therapy than is late-stage cancer. Approximately less than 10% of routine mammograms are interpreted as possibly abnormal and require additional 乳房 imaging with mammography and/or 乳房 ultrasound.

Out of 1,000名接受常规乳房x光检查的女性, the number called back for additional imaging is less than 100 and the number needing a minimally invasive biopsy is 10. Ultimately, two cancers will be found in that group of 1,000 women. 经受额外的考验是非常重要的 诊断成像 to know which of the abnormal routine exams are truly worrisome. These are separate exams and are billed separately in addition to the routine mammogram.

Your primary care provider may help decide if supplemental imaging is recommended for you based on your personal and 家族病史. 然而, you are welcome to ask the mammography technologist and radiologist if you have questions about the most appropriate exam for you. 你多久做一次乳房x光检查取决于你的年龄, 家族病史, 患乳腺癌的风险, 整体健康. Screening mammography does not require a physician referral and is covered by most insurance companies.

Mammography exams are performed at by our technologists, who are certified through the 美国放射技师注册(ARRT).


We offer the latest 乳房 health services and mammography 乳房 exams including 2-dimensional (2-D) digital mammography and 3-dimensional (3-D) digital mammography tomosynthesis.


在二维数字乳房x线摄影中, a low dose X-ray beam shines through the 乳房 and creates a digital image receptor, 类似于数码相机的工作原理. This image is viewed on a computer monitor by a mammography technologist in a matter of seconds. The images are then sent electronically for the radiologist to interpret. 考试时间为15到20分钟. 二维数字乳房x线摄影 is the standard 乳房 exam for most women.


3-D digital mammography (also known as 乳房 tomosynthesis), is a 乳房 imaging exam that improves the accuracy of mammography. 接受筛查的女性, 3-D digital mammography may be done along with a traditional 二维数字乳房x线摄影 exam. Sometimes, 3-D mammography may be used to evaluate an abnormality like a 乳房 lump.

3-D乳房x光检查和2-D乳房x光检查非常相似. 3d乳房x光检查, 然而, the X-ray tube moves and a series of mini X-ray exposures are obtained, 创建数字数据集, which is then reconstructed into 1-millimeter thick slices (or layers). The radiologist views each individual layer of the 乳房 rather than a shadow of the entire 乳房. 结果是, radiologists can detect 乳房 cancer that was hidden by overlying tissue and that may mimic cancer and lead to a false alarm or unnecessary callback.


  • 早期检测 of 乳房 cancers that may otherwise be hidden by overlying tissue.
  • 更大的准确性 识别异常的形状和位置.
  • 更少的回调 and helps distinguish harmless abnormalities from real cancers.



  • 如果你在其他地方做过乳房x光检查, please call that facility and have your results sent to us before your appointment—these tests will be needed for comparison.
  • Please do not bring your children with you—the mammographer cannot watch your children and give you her full attention.
  • Try to schedule your mammogram for the week following your menstrual period, 当你的乳房不那么柔软的时候.
  • Wear a two-piece outfit to the examination, so you will only have to remove your top.
  • 不要用粉底, 在考试当天将药膏或面霜涂在胸部, because these products can show up on the X-ray images and can make it difficult to interpret.
  • 如果你用除臭剂, 请少涂, 因为你会被要求在做乳房x光检查之前把它洗掉.


You will be asked to undress from the waist up and put on an examination gown. You will then stand in front of the mammography unit, which a special type of X-ray machine. The mammographer will place a 乳房 between two plastic plates and gradually compress for a few seconds. (Compression causes a slight flattening which helps creates a clear picture while reducing X-ray dose.)

The mammographer takes two images of the 乳房, one from the top and one from the side. 然后对另一侧乳房重复检查.


Your mammogram will be read by one of our specially-trained radiologists, 谁会把结果发给你的医生. 你将收到一份报告的书面摘要.

If you have not received this summary within two weeks, contact your physician or the 放射科.