临床神经心理学博士后奖学金 (Adult and Pediatric)

The 临床神经心理学博士后奖学金 (Adult and Pediatric) at 十大正规博彩网站评级正规博彩平台卫生 provide advanced training in clinical neuropsychology. The training model and goals/objectives conform to the Houston Conference guidelines for specialty training in clinical neuropsychology, the APA Division 40 guidelines for postdoctoral training in neuropsychology, 以及APPCN领域和标准. The program is a member of the Association of Postdoctoral 项目 in Clinical Neuropsychology (APPCN).

查看 临床神经心理学博士后奖学金 Handbook (PDF)


Our Postdoctoral Program in Clinical Neuropsychology is a fellowship that begins upon completion of the internship year. This means that the postdoctoral fellow has already been granted his or her doctoral degree and has completed all doctoral requirements. The overarching goal of the program is to produce outstanding scientist-practitioners, rigorously trained for advanced practice in clinical neuropsychology and to practice under the highest standards of professional conduct and ethics.


研究员 participate in 个人和团体监督 where they have the opportunity to interact with faculty and interdisciplinary teams. Supervision occurs on-site where the applicant delivers services and is provided by faculty members who are familiar with the applicant’s work. Each fellow has a minimum of two faculty neuropsychology supervisors for individual supervision. 临床督导经验包括, formal contact with faculty who is licensed as a psychologist in New Hampshire, and is responsible for the educational development and guidance of the supervisee. Supervision shall consist of at least two hours per week of face-to-face clinical supervision with one of the supervisors, 每年至少96个小时. 该奖学金还提供持续的评估和反馈. Periodic meetings with the individual’s supervisors and program director offer more structured mutual evaluation and opportunities to discuss professional development issues. The supervisor has professional responsibility for all services provided to patients.

The fellowship involves the following specific goals and objectives, 通过监督临床和研究经验实现, 以及教学经验:

  • 在评估中建立更广泛和更深的基础, 诊断, 干预, 咨询, 和研究. 为了实现这一目标,各位同仁:
    1. Complete at least 2 years of supervised clinical experience; a year of supervised clinical experience shall include at least 1500 clock hours.
    2. Participate in supervised neuropsychological service delivery to a wide range of patient populations.
    3. Participate in an organized sequence of educational experiences, 包括研讨会, 关于临床研究的讨论会和讲习班, theoretical and practical applications of clinical neuropsychology and neuropsychiatry, 职业发展和职业道德.
  • Gain experience and exposure to clinical issues involving working with diverse patient populations and cross-cultural factors (e.g.(社会经济、种族、民族、国籍).
  • 发展高级知识, 理解, and conduct consistent with Professional ethics as outlined in the American Psychological Association Code of Ethics, 符合NHPA管理规则Mhp 501.02 as well as ethical issues specifically related to the practice of neuropsychology. 这是通过教学经验来完成的, as well as discussion in 个人和团体监督 settings of ethical issues arising from specific clinical cases.
  • 参与正在进行的临床研究. 通过会议进行指导, 研讨会, 个人和团体监督, 以及与教职员工的合作.
  • 参与持续的评估和反馈. Periodic meetings with the individual's supervisors and the training director offer more structured, mutual evaluation and opportunities to discuss professional development issues.


Formal written evaluation of the postdoctoral fellow’s development of knowledge and skills in core competencies in neuropsychology is provided every four months throughout the fellowship. Supervisor(s) will meet with the fellow if at any time they are rated by faculty as demonstrating knowledge and/or skills below expectations for their level of training. Supervisor(s) will meet with the fellow to review the evaluation and modify or develop training goals as needed to address any concerns. This process is designed to help ensure the fellow achieves the competencies needed for the practice of clinical neuropsychology by the end of fellowship.


我们的项目设在 精神科 十大正规博彩网站评级正规博彩平台希区柯克医疗中心. 每个人都有一个共用的办公室和一台电脑, as well as access to shared spaces such as testing rooms and the Brain Imaging Laboratory (with several workstations). There is a broad array of assessment instruments available in the department and the fellows have access to libraries at DHMC, 新罕布什尔医院, and Dartmouth College (including electronic access to a large array of journals).


医疗保险和个人休假(病假), 休假时间, 是时候进行专业发展了). The stipend is set based on the annual rates in accordance with the NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein国家研究服务奖.